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Conveyor Belts Manufacturer

Cog-Veyor Systems
Simple. Clean. Flexible.

Conveyor Belts Manufacturer – GTA

Welcome to Cog-Veyor Systems, your trusted partner for innovative conveying solutions in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

Who We Are

At Cog-Veyor Systems, we take pride in our mission to deliver cutting-edge conveying solutions that revolutionize the way businesses operate. With a firm focus on innovation and quality, we've become the go-to choice for companies seeking efficient and reliable conveyor systems. Our positive drive system, a one-of-a-kind offering in the marketplace, exemplifies our dedication to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in conveying technology.

Cog-Veyor Systems is not just a conveyor belts manufacturer; we are your partner in achieving operational excellence. Whether you're in the food industry or any other sector requiring efficient conveying solutions, we have the expertise and technology to meet your needs. Give us a call today to learn more about our products.

Dedicated to pushing boundaries

Conveyor Belts GTA

Efficiency Redefined

One of our core values at Cog-Veyor Systems is a commitment to energy efficiency. Our conveyor systems are engineered with sustainability in mind, helping businesses reduce their carbon footprint and operational costs simultaneously. With an outstanding product that boasts reliability and longevity, our solutions minimize downtime and maintenance, ultimately leading to reduced overhead costs and less wear and tear on components.

Our range of conveying solutions caters to a wide array of industries, with a special emphasis on providing safe and hygienic methods for food production. We understand the unique challenges faced by businesses in the food industry, and our conveyor systems are designed to meet and exceed stringent hygiene standards, ensuring the integrity and safety of your products.

We serve a diverse range of industries

Why Choose Cog-Veyor Systems?

Innovative Solutions

Our positive drive system is a game-changer in the world of conveying technology, providing unmatched efficiency and reliability.

Industry Expertise

With years of experience, we understand the unique needs of various industries and tailor our solutions accordingly.

Energy Efficiency

We are dedicated to helping businesses reduce their environmental impact while boosting cost-efficiency.


Our products are built to last, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum productivity for your business.